My name is Albin Garcia and instead of telling you my whole story, I want to share with you things about
🌌My personality and the way I think🌌
Here's the table of contents. Shall we?
How I live
My enthusiasm for expressing ideas
How I (try) to make sense of life
Coding has changed my life
🌊 How I live
I'm curious every single day of my life. I like to ask a lot of questions and research about things that grab my attention. I always keep learning in order to better understand the world around me.
I believe in working hard and smart every day to achieve our independence. We decide where we want to go and we can get there with discipline to put in the hard work consistently.
One of the best things in life that I enjoy the most is communicating with people and sharing ideas, memories and feelings. I think we all do, even introverts like myself. Life feels so much better after a great conversation.
Learn how to genuinely share yourself, who you are and your value with other people and give them the confidence to do the same thing. That way it makes them and yourself feel authentic.
💡 My enthusiasm for expressing ideas
WRITING WRITING WRITING! Have you try any writing habit??? Let me tell you what I feel about writing and why I do it.
Writing is the fastest way to express a thought or idea and make it available to the world. Do yo realize how powerful and cool that is? As many things in life good writing is absurdly hard, that's why we should always keep in mind that the more we do it the better we get, as many things in life as well.
Another thing I love about writing is that we can appreciate our evolution in our thinking process and our writing skill immediately. That just motivates me to write even more even if I suck at it (I may not suck in the future, who knows?)
However when It comes to communicating something better, mind maps have got your back. As you may have noticed already, I do them all the time, they are everywhere in this blog. I Love them.
I also like to express my ideas by coding but that's a biggy and has it's own section later on, bear with me.
⌛ How I (try) to make sense of life

By definition life is an unpredictable mess.
I try to live mine by dividing it into periods and define what I want to accomplish. In each period I ask myself these questions:
- What do I want?
- Why do I want it?
- How do I plan to get it?
First one is super easy, second one is tricky depending on your self-awareness and your values. Actually executing the third one can be as easy as sewing your own parachute while free falling from 10 thousand feet. But you know, at least a bad plan is better than no plan, right?.
Books are cool. They can give you answers to questions you may have never asked yourself before but are incredible useful.
We get older every day, that's kind of a bummer, but at least with books we get wiser. Here are the books that have had the biggest impact in my life.
The War of Art
The hardest part is to sit down and start working. Once you do it and stay there magic things happen, but you have to sit first no matter what.
So Good They Can't Ignore You
We are not entitled in life, nobody owes us any opportunity, we need to demonstrate our value as professionals in order to get the opportunities we want.
Steal Like an Artist
Basically get inspiration from everything you consume. It also motivated me to develop my taste and criteria when deciding what content to consume. Get quality inspiration, a lot of it.
You can make lists about anything. From your groceries list to things you'd do with a million dollars with only one hour to spend it, anything in between.
To explain why I love lists... Well they have basically taught me how to identify when things around me repeat themselves and how to categorize stuff.
Writing lists also made me realize that If you can define a pattern of information and are able to repeat it, you've created a brand new model of information just like a tweet or an Instagram Post.
I'm obsessed with ranking things, I can't describe the amount of time I've spent watching Tops on YouTube. I just can't get enough of them. In fact, here's a top 3 of my favorite illustrarions you've seen so far:
💻 Coding has changed my life
Coding is the most important way of expression in my life and what puts food on my table. You would definitely not be reading this if I hadn't learned how to code.
It totally expands your mind and challenges you to be creative by giving you the possibility of designing and building basically anything you can define in your mind.
You start seeing things as problems and realize that (almost) everything has one or even many solutions. It's all about learning how to think better.
It's kind of a cliché to say that coding is like a super power, but once you realize what modern day computers and smartphones are capable of doing and understand that all of it is at your disposal is when you recognize It's an actual real-life superpower.
⛰️ Resilience
Resilience is something I've had to develop my whole life simply by the fact of being born under unfavorably conditions (🇻🇪 country under dictatorship regime).
We can enjoy at least something about life everyday regardless of living through adversities.
Despite Everything I think of myself as a Lucky person and that I've seized every opportunity I had to improve myself and have a better life. As long as I can keep learning how to create things, expressing myself and (hopefully) making a living of It, I can fight for my freedom.